Yiddish English
Billik cheap, poor quality
Bobkes worthless trifles
Bubbee term of endearment
Chutzpah nerve, brazeness, cheek
Danken Got! thank God
Drek junk, rubbish
Frum religiously devout
Gai avek! go away
Gelt money
Goy a non-Jew, gentile
Kaddish a prayer in mourning
Kibbitzer interfering person
Klutz, Klotz a clumsy person
K'vetsh to whine or complain
Le'chayim! the tradional toast 'to life'
Loch in kop hole in the head
Mashugga, Meshughe crazy, bonkers
Mazel Tov congratulations, good luck!
Mieskeit an ugly person or thing
Nitzveh a good deed, a commandment
Naches pride, joy (often that occasioned by children)
Nebbish a nobody, a weakling or awkward person
Nosh snack food, to snak
Nu? so?
Nudnick a pest, a bore, often a term of endearment
Oi! all-purpose exclamation
Oi, gevald! exclamation of torment
Schmuck, Shmock dick
Shaitel wig worn by Orthodox married women
Shalom peace, a greeting
Shikseh non-Jewish girl
Shlep (or Shlap) to carry unwillingly
Shmaltzy sentimental, sickly, corny
Shmendrik a foolish, inept person
Shmoe a naive, easily deceived individual
Shmuts dirt, mess
Shmutter, Shmatter stiff, clutter, or a general term for cloth
Shnorrer a beggar
Shtik a special (theatrical) trick or turn
Shul informal term for synagogue
Toches arse
Traif forbidden (non-kosher) food
Tsores woe, troubles
Most Recent Change: Oct 19, 2003